This package is purely written in Go, which helps with dependency management. All dependencies can be easily installed using the go get
There are only 2 optional dependencies that can be installed separately. The first is Air used for live-reload, and the other is Docker.
List of run-time dependencies:
- GoLang v1.20
- Cobra v1.8.0
- Viper v1.18.2
- Echo v4.11.3
- Gorm v1.25.6
- MySQL v1.5.2
- PostgreSQL v1.25.6
- SQLite v1.5.4
- GoMigrate v2.1.1
- Playground Validator v10.17.0
- Ory Kratos v1.0.0
- Ory Keto v0.5.2
- Redis
List of development dependencies: