+- pkg
| +- api
| | +- handlers
| | | +- healthz
| | | +- errors
| | | +- cats <--- example handlers
| | | +- <--- additional handlers
| | +- helpers
| | | +- helpers.go
| | | +- <--- additional helpers
| | +- middlewares
| | | +- authentication.go
| | | +- authorization.go
| | | +- <--- additional middleware
| | +- routers
| | | +- router.go
| | | +- hiddenApi.go
| | | +- protectedApi.go
| | | +- publicApi.go
| | | +- <--- additional routers
| | +- api.go
| +- clients
| | +- db
| | +- fhttp
| | +- keto
| | +- kratos
| | +- logger
| | +- redis
| +- config
| | +- autoEnv.go
| | +- config.go
| | +- feature.go
| | +- features.go
| | +- flags.go
| | +- service.go
| +- db
| | +- migrations
| | | +- migrations.go <--- list of migrations to run, be sure to add yours here
| | | +- <--- additional migrations
| | +- models
| | | +- models.go
| | | +- forms.go
| | | +- cat.go <--- example model
| | | +- catForm.go <--- example form
| | | +- <--- additional routers
| | +- seeds
| | | +- seeds.go <--- list of seeds to run, be sure to add yours here
| | | +- <--- additional seeds
| +- proc <--- entry point to all processes
| | +- proc.go
| | +- hiddenApi.go
| | +- protectedApi.go
| | +- publicApi.go
| | +- watcher.go
| +- tasks
| | +- myFirstTask.go
| | +- <--- additional tasks
| +- utils
| | +- constants
| | | +- constants.go <--- all literal values
| | +- init.go
| | +- utils.go <--- reusable functions that don't belong anywhere else
+- go.mod
+- main.go