Folder structure

Root Folder Structure

The package is split into 3 directories

/ciContains all files related to building or deploying the service such as Docker, Docker compose, configuration and K8S files
/cmdContains all available commands
/pkgContains all source code files. This is where you'll be spending most of your time

pkg Folder Structure

/pkg/apiEverything related to Echo, routers and handlers go in here
/pkg/clientsThese are clients used throughout the service. They can be third-party services or simple config providers for workflows
/pkg/configService configuration and environment variable management
/pkg/dbEverything related to database entities and models, migrations, and seed data
/pkg/procEntry points for all processes
/pkg/tasksUser-defined tasks available via the command line CLI
/pkg/utilsGeneral utilities used throughout the package that do not belong to any specific package

Complete structure

+- pkg
|  +- api
|  |  +- handlers
|  |  |  +- healthz
|  |  |  +- errors
|  |  |  +- cats            <--- example handlers
|  |  |  +-                 <--- additional handlers
|  |  +- helpers
|  |  |  +- helpers.go
|  |  |  +-                 <--- additional helpers
|  |  +- middlewares
|  |  |  +- authentication.go
|  |  |  +- authorization.go
|  |  |  +-                 <--- additional middleware
|  |  +- routers
|  |  |  +- router.go
|  |  |  +- hiddenApi.go
|  |  |  +- protectedApi.go
|  |  |  +- publicApi.go
|  |  |  +-                 <--- additional routers
|  |  +- api.go
|  +- clients
|  |  +- db
|  |  +- fhttp
|  |  +- keto
|  |  +- kratos
|  |  +- logger
|  |  +- redis
|  +- config
|  |  +- autoEnv.go
|  |  +- config.go
|  |  +- feature.go
|  |  +- features.go
|  |  +- flags.go
|  |  +- service.go
|  +- db
|  |  +- migrations
|  |  |  +- migrations.go   <--- list of migrations to run, be sure to add yours here
|  |  |  +-                 <--- additional migrations
|  |  +- models
|  |  |  +- models.go
|  |  |  +- forms.go
|  |  |  +- cat.go          <--- example model
|  |  |  +- catForm.go      <--- example form
|  |  |  +-                 <--- additional routers
|  |  +- seeds
|  |  |  +- seeds.go        <--- list of seeds to run, be sure to add yours here
|  |  |  +-                 <--- additional seeds
|  +- proc                  <--- entry point to all processes
|  |  +- proc.go
|  |  +- hiddenApi.go
|  |  +- protectedApi.go
|  |  +- publicApi.go
|  |  +- watcher.go
|  +- tasks
|  |  +- myFirstTask.go
|  |  +-                    <--- additional tasks
|  +- utils
|  |  +- constants
|  |  |  +- constants.go    <--- all literal values
|  |  +- init.go
|  |  +- utils.go           <--- reusable functions that don't belong anywhere else
+- go.mod
+- main.go

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