Full Features List
- CLI commands (via Cobra)
- HTTP server (via Echo)
- Public router
- Protected router
- Hidden router
- Daemon processes or workers
- Tasks for custom one-off operations
- Middlewares
- HTTP header checks and setters
- Auto error handling and response
- Authentication via Ory Kratos
- Authorisation via Ory Keto
- CORS handling
- Auto trim trailing slashes
- Request timeout
- Gzip responses
- XSS check
- Databases
- DB connection (PostgreSQL, MySQL)
- DB models (ORM using Gorm)
- DB migrations (using Go Migrate)
- DB seeds (using Go Migrate)
- JSON forms and model mapping
- Data validation
- Clients
- Forward HTTP client to forward authorization headers
- Ory Kratos Client - authentication
- Ory Keto Client - authorization
- Custom logger
- Graceful shutdown
- Feature toggle: [ory_kratos, ory_keto, db, redis]
- Enhanced routers
- Feature toggle for [
] - Keto client
- Redis client
- Forward HTTP client
- Enhanced error handling
- Quick start examples
- Example with Kratos for authentication
- Example with Keto for authorisation
- Code cleanup and in-line documentation
- Swagger integration
- Postman collection
- More documentation
- Tests
- Github Actions
- Landing page / Website