
Let's get you started quickly. This page is aimed to get you up and running from scratch.


  1. Clone this repository git clone git@github.com:codoworks/go-boilerplate.git
  2. Run cd go-boilerplate
  3. Run go get to install dependencies
  4. Run go run . db migrate to create the database schema
  5. Run go run . db seed to seed the DB with initial data
  6. Run go run . start to start the server, you should see the following:

Service Output

 http server started on [::]:8081
 http server started on [::]:8080
 http server started on [::]:8079
  1. List available routes using go run . info public-api-routes and use your favourite API client to test. or use the following to get started and make sure you're up and running.

Example curl commands

curl -H "Accept: application/json"
curl -H "Accept: application/json"


For more details on running and using the service, scroll down to "Operations" section.

To learn about developing and extending this service, scroll down to "make it your own" section.

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