
Tasks is a way to extend the command line CLI without having to go through the trouble of understanding the initialisation process.

To create a new task, simply add the following sample into a new file ./pkg/tasks/<myTask>.go:

func init() {
	var t = &Task{
		Name:        "myTask",
		Description: "This is my task",
		RequiredArgs: []string{"key1", "key2"}, // add args here
		Run:         execMyTask,

func execMyTask(env *TaskEnv, args map[string]string) error {
	// task implementation goes here...
	fmt.Println("My task is executed!")
	return nil

Tasks are automatically injected with an env object that contains the environment. They are also injected with an args map containing any values added to the exec command, as long as they're separated by '=' e.g. key1=value1 key2=value2 key3=value3 .

You can also set the required arguments in myTask.RequiredArgs = []string{"key1", "key2"} to prevent execution until all arguments are provided.

To execute the task above, simply run go run . task exec myTask and you should get the "My first task is executed!" message.

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